10 Sea Animals That Start With A (ID with Photos)

10 Sea Animals That Start With A

There are several types of animals in the sea. Among the animals, there are the top ten sea animals that start with the letter “A”. Every animal has unique characteristics including size, color, behaviors, diet, and habitat. 

The Angelfish, Clownfish, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Archerfish, Atlantic Puffin, Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, Australian Sea Lion, Atlantic Ghost Crab, and Albatros are sea animals. 


Angelfish are vibrant and colorful marine creatures known for their distinctive appearance. They belong to the Pomacanthidae family and are popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

Angelfish vary in size, with smaller species measuring around 3 inches, while larger ones can reach up to 12 inches.

Their diet consists mainly of algae, small invertebrates, and plankton. Some species also feed on sponges and corals.

Angelfish are found in tropical and subtropical waters, typically around coral reefs. They prefer areas with plenty of hiding spots and thrive in warm, clear waters.

Anemonefish (Clownfish)

Made famous by the animated film Finding Nemo, anemonefish are small, brightly colored fish known for their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.

Anemonefish are generally small, ranging from 2 to 6 inches in length.

They primarily feed on algae and small invertebrates, and their diet may vary slightly depending on the species.

Anemonefish are found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, usually in sheltered reefs or lagoons. They form a mutualistic relationship with sea anemones, protecting exchange for food.

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin

The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin is a charismatic and social marine mammal known for its playful behavior and distinctive spots. Adult Atlantic Spotted Dolphins can reach lengths of 5 to 7 feet.

They feed on a variety of fish and squid, using echolocation to locate their prey.

These dolphins inhabit warm, tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. They are often found in groups, engaging in acrobatic displays and playful interactions.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is a powerful and fast-swimming fish prized for its culinary value, particularly in sushi.

Bluefin Tuna can grow to massive sizes, with some individuals exceeding 10 feet in length and weighing over 1,000 pounds.

Their diet consists mainly of fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are found in both the western and eastern Atlantic Oceans, migrating over vast distances. Bluefin Tuna prefers cooler waters and is known for their incredible speed and endurance.


Archerfish are unique and skilled hunters who use a water jet to catch insects above the water’s surface. Most species of Archerfish grow to lengths between 5 to 12 inches.

Their diet primarily consists of insects and small prey. Archerfish are known for their ability to accurately shoot down insects with a stream of water.

 Found in brackish or freshwater environments in Southeast Asia and Australia, Archerfish are often seen near mangroves or riverbanks.

Atlantic Puffin

The Atlantic Puffin, often referred to as the “clown of the sea,” is a charming and distinctive seabird known for its vibrant beak. Adult Puffins are about 10 inches in length.

Puffins primarily feed on small fish, such as herring and sand eels. They breed in large colonies on cliffs and offshore islands in the North Atlantic. Puffins spend most of their lives at sea but return to land for breeding and nesting.

Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Despite its name, the Atlantic Horseshoe Crab is not a true crab but belongs to a unique ancient lineage. Adult Horseshoe Crabs can reach lengths of up to 24 inches.

They are scavengers, feeding on worms, mollusks, and detritus. Found along the Atlantic coasts of North America, these horseshoe crabs inhabit shallow coastal waters and sandy or muddy bottoms.

Australian Sea Lion

The Australian Sea Lion is a charismatic pinniped species known for its agility in the water and playful behavior.

Adult males can weigh up to 600 pounds, while females are smaller, reaching around 220 pounds.

Their diet consists mainly of fish, squid, and occasionally crustaceans. Endemic to Australia, these sea lions inhabit the coastal waters of South and Western Australia. They often use sandy beaches and rocky shores for breeding and resting.

Atlantic Ghost Crab

The Atlantic Ghost Crab, also known as the Sand Crab, is a small and nocturnal crustacean with a sandy-colored exoskeleton. Adult Ghost Crabs have a carapace width ranging from 1 to 4 inches.

They are omnivores, feeding on detritus, small invertebrates, and plant material. Found along the Atlantic coasts of North and South America, these crabs live in burrows in sandy areas and are well-adapted to both terrestrial and marine environments.


Albatrosses are large seabirds known for their impressive wingspan and long-distance oceanic flights. The wingspan of albatrosses can range from 6 to 12 feet, depending on the species.

They primarily feed on fish, squid, and other marine organisms. Albatrosses are found in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. They spend most of their lives at sea, only returning to land for breeding purposes.


The diverse array of sea animals that start with the letter A showcases the richness of marine life. From vibrant fish to majestic mammals and ancient crustaceans, each species contributes to the intricate tapestry of the ocean ecosystem. Exploring their sizes, diets, and habitats provides a deeper understanding of these fascinating creatures and the importance of preserving their marine environments.

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